
[DGT GTD 教程] 02. Tasks

字号+ 作者:hanyufeng 来源: 2017-06-17 17:55:12 我要评论( ) 阅读:


Now that we have our main screen ready, click on the big "+" icon on the top right. It creates a new task.

We can choose from quite a few task types! (The last one, Start application, is not implemented.)

Break your habit!

Suppose you just heard somebody talking about the effect of salt on health and you find it contradictory to your own understanding. That guy doesn't seem to be completely misguided, and you wonder whether your knowledge needs an update. He moved on to other topics.

Your old habit might be to try remembering it in your mind, so that you can do your research once you got the time. Don't. Just add a task. Now. And forget it, for now, because you now know for sure you'll come back to it once you got the time.

You can do it by tapping this big "+" button as we've just done (we will see even easier ways, but let's get the concept right first).

Creating the task

Back to our demo, now choose the "Task" type, and we're asked about the title of the task.

Of course, we type "Research salt vs health" as quickly as we can (learn to use a swipe keyboard / gesture typing!), and tap the save button near the top right. Now the system asks us for the task details.

Oh... lots of things to fill in! Luckily, we don't need to bother with many of them. We just change its status to Next Action.

It states that "I want to do this as soon as I have enough time and mood for it." Not filling "context", meaning the task can be done anywhere (because it just needs a mobile phone!) Not filling "due date", meaning that the task can be deferred as long as we want. Now tap the save button near the top right.

Viewing the new task

We are back to the main screen.

The count "1" is shown besides All, indicating that there is one task. Tapping into it shows what is the task:

Our first task is added! Isn't that easy? (Say no.) Right, we don't want to spend so much time recording the task when a conversation with others is going on! We need something much faster.


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